Who is the data controller

The Data Controller is Viktor Cetl, with its registered office at Bratčice 221, 66467, Bratčice, IČ 21692106..

How to contact us

You can contact us by post at: Viktor Cetl, with its registered office at Bratčice 221, 66467, Bratčice, by phone at: +420 733 551 913 , by e-mail at: info@apartman001.cz.

Who is the data subject

Any natural person who starts any contractual relationship with us, or a representative of such natural person, or a person authorised to act on behalf of this natural person and/or the natural person’s contact person.

What are the sources of the Data we use

We either obtain the data directly from you, or we obtain the data through services or from third parties (yet only on the condition that there is a legal basis for the processing of such data) or from public registers, such as companies register and the like). If there is a change in your personal data, you should inform us of the fact.

What data do we process

Personal data means any information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person. In other words, any data connected to a certain person that can (on its own or in combination with other data) result in identification of the specific person. Any information that cannot be linked to a specific person, and any anonymous or aggregated data, i.e. any data that cannot be connected to a specific person from the beginning of the processing or thereafter, will not be considered personal data.
We process the following categories of data, and the scope of the processing depends on the products and services that you make use of:

Identification data: Degree, name surname, company name, Company Id. No. and VAT number
Contact details: telephone number, e-mail address, social media nickname, IP addresses, persons authorised to represent the company
Invoicing and payment details: Billing address, information on the account number, payment methods, data on late payment history, prices for the provided products and services
Information on services/products provided: List of orders, products and services provided, ancillary services (including membership in our loyalty programmes, etc.) customer category, type of partner, complaints, recordings of communications
Special information: Login (including password where applicable), photography portraits (only some business partners).
CCTV systems and recordings: They are used only in parts of the premises where it is designated so in order to secure persons and protect assets (legitimate interest of the controller). Only a few persons who need to have the access to be able to perform their work are authorised to access the CCTV system and recordings thereof. The transfer channels and data media are secured. The recordings are stored only for the minimum necessary time.

We may also process other data if you provide them to us in connection with your activity or our business activities. Processing of such data is then governed by this policy or, where the case may be, any rules set out for this particular purpose.

How we use the data (purpose of the processing)

Providing your personal data is voluntary, yet for some activities (e.g. product/services supplies, loyalty programmes or competitions) your data are indispensable. We process the data that you provide us, primarily for the purposes of provision of our services and products or for any other legitimate interests we may have, for our internal needs or for our marketing and business purposes.
We process your data based on your consent or based on our legitimate interests. In the case of processing based on our legitimate interests, our interests must objectively override your right of privacy, and at the same time, the purpose of the processing cannot be achieved in any other way, and we shall take any and all necessary measures to minimise the interference with your privacy. In cases where your data are processed based on your consent, you may withdraw the consent at any time. In cases where your data are processed based on our legitimate interests of the data controller, you may raise an object to such processing at any time. Unless provided below otherwise, we do not use the concept of joint controller, nor do we make automated decision-making, or profiling.

Processing based on legitimate interests of the data controller

  • Description: To provide products and services based on a contract, these services include also ancillary services (e.g. loyalty programme), circulating marketing communications (newsletters) and counselling/advisory services, including billing of such services, customer management and sending of any related messages/notifications/ confirmations/complaint handling/contract modifications and customer care while using our services, etc.
  • Categories of the processed data: identification data, contact details, invoicing and payment details, information on the services/products provided, special data, CCTVs and recordings
  • Legal title of the processing: contract
  • Legal basis of the processing: performance of the contractual obligations
  • The source of the data: customers, business partners, public registers, controller’s activity
  • Period of processing: during the term of the contract and during the period for which the parties are entitled to make any claims based on the contract, during the period of existence of the customer’s account
  • Right to withdraw your consent/raise an objection: No

Compliance with statutory duties

  • Description: Any duties arising out of any applicable legal regulations that require that the personal data be processed as part of the records (e.g. tax documents). The scope of the processing will always depend on the provisions of the applicable legislation, in other words, the list is not exhaustive
  • Category of personal data: as required by the legislation (tax legislation and accounting standards, obligations arising out of the business activities, etc.).
  • Legal title of processing: legislation or any other binding laws and regulations
  • Legal basis of the processing: compliance with statutory duty
  • Sources of the data: customers, business partners, public registers
  • Period of processing: as provided for in the relevant laws and regulations
  • Right to withdraw your consent/raise an objection: No

Processing based on your consent

You have the right to decide whether you will give us the consent to the processing or not. When entering into the contract for the first time (or when entering into any other contracts) or when registering (e.g. with our loyalty programme or into a competition), we will ask you whether you consent to the processing. Usually, you will give us consent by means of tick-off of a relevant box.

  • Description: This type of processing of personal data and other information (e.g. information on how you use our services or products, and the like) includes profiling or segmenting for the purposes of understanding your needs and preferences and their use in order to offer you the relevant products and services and improve them. In relation to this processing, you also give us your consent to be sent marketing communications
  • Categories of the personal data processed: identification data, contact details, invoicing and payment details, information on the services/products used, socio-demographic data, special data, cookies (in the case of use of our website)
  • Legal basis of the processing: consent by the data subject
  • Sources of the data: customers, business partners, public registers, business activities of the controller
  • Period of the processing: until the consent is withdrawn
  • Right to withdraw your consent/raise an objection: No

Period of the personal data processing

In the case of consenting to the processing, your personal data will be processed for a period for which the consent has been given or until it is withdrawn, however, no longer than for three years from the end of the relevant contractual relationship.
In the case of processing based on our legitimate interest of the data controller, the data will be processed for the necessary period or until you raise an objection, which may lead to the termination of the processing, as the case may be.

Provision of data to third countries

The provision of our products and services does not involve transfer of the personal data for processing outside the EU.


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Cookies are processed mainly by server operators or other relevant website operators and by operators of marketing systems used on the given websites. The cookies are processed for a period of time that is necessary for their use, however not longer than 1 year from the date of generation of the relevant cookie.
None of our cookies collects or contains information that constitutes personal data and does not enable identification of persons.
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Final provisions

We reserve the right to modify and amend this policy.

In Prague on 1 January 2024